H o m e
A b o u t   U s
A d o p t  a  C a t
S p a y / N e u t e r
D o n a t i o n s
C o n t a c t   U s

Low-Cost Spay / Neuter Information

Low Cost Spay/Neuter Veterinarians:
(860) 206-7922 - POA Spay - East Hartford
(203) 690-1550 - Nutmeg Spay\Neuter Clinic, Stratford, CT
(203) 939-9590 - Value Pet Vet, Monroe, CT
(413) 781-4000 - Dakin Pioneer Valley HS, East Longmeadow, MA
1- 888 - FOR TEAM (All of CT) - Cats Only
(860) 666-1447 - Hartford Vet Hosp. - Newington - Dogs & Cats
(860) 594-4503 - Fox Clinic - Newington - Dogs & Cats


   Animal Alliance Welfare League of New Britain, Connecticut
   PO Box 1775  |  New Britain, CT  |  06050

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